Steve Luckett

After leaving school, Steve Luckett worked at the Gold Coast Council as a mail clerk. When they bought their first computer (a Honeywell 115), Luckett got the job as the operator and “learnt how to drive this thing by driving the control panel because they were all control panels in those days, not even a teletype or anything. And the programmer and I spent our evening hours punching programs into this thing and punching them out on punch cards so we could boot them in and run them.”
He gave up on computers for a while after that to pursue a music career in Sydney, before working in a range of roles for Honeywell and then Barsons Computers. In 1987, he returned to Queensland and started contracting to Jacaranda Software. When the software division was closed down, he joined with David Smith and Bruce Mitchell to buy Jacaranda and set the business up under the new name of Greygum Software.
Other games developed:
Vote 1, Zoopak, Bush Rescue, Kraken: A deep-sea quest , Crossing the Mountains, Maths Bingo, Clockwise: Time activities for the whole primary school, Desert Quest.