
Photos and audio from the conference are here.  EFGAMP has posted a report on the conference here. Several papers have been published in a special issue of Refractory: A journal of entertainment media here.

We are looking forward to welcoming delegates and speakers to an International conference on the Born Digital and Cultural Heritage, being held in Melbourne, 19-20 June, 2014.

Abstracts of papers and biographies of speakers are now available.  The program is here.  Hashtag is #BDCH14.

Our keynotes, Dr Henry Lowood (Stanford) and Dr Anne Laforet (ESADS, Strasbourg), are experts in digital game and net art preservation, respectively.  Dr Lowood’s address is entitled “It Is What It Is, Not What It Was: Making Born Digital Heritage”.  Dr Laforet’s address will be on “Ad Hoc Preservation Strategies for Digital Art”.

The conference will be held at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Federation Square, in the heart of the CBD.  The Registration page is now available for information, and information for first time visitors to Melbourne is here.

An associated Knowledge Exchange event will be held the day prior to the conference, at the University of Melbourne.  Anyone is welcome to attend this free event, but an RSVP is requested.


The conference is organised by the Play It Again team.

Want a copy of our fabulous conference poster?  You can download a pdf here.


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