
Sir Roderick’s Quest

Game Meta:
Michael Boyd (Unknown)
Poseidon (Publisher)

“Sir Roderick’s Quest” is a graphic adventure. It has been compared to similar games such as “Sceptre of Baghdad”, “Spellbound” and “Stormbringer”. Boyd explains that the game was partly inspired by “Tir Na Nog”.

You have to guide Sir Roderick through the castle, collecting the seven golden objects and returning them to the throne room.

Version information:

The release of “Sir Roderick’s Quest” raised the standards and expectations of games that could be created for the Sega SC-3000 with a 32k BASIC cartridge.

Box Art:

Box art inlay

Media Coverage:

Cassette scan

Manuals and Walkthroughs:

Poseidon Autumn Catalogue 1

Poseidon Autumn Catalogue 2

Poseidon Autumn Catalogue 3

Poseidon Autumn catalogue 4

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