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VideoBeam | VER2GO | MMAS

VideoBeam Offer

Video Beam is a proprietary software-only video compression system. It allows full motion playback at lower data rates and on lower spec machines than any other system currently available. Video Beam supports 8-bit and 16-bit playback. In the case of 8-bit playback, optimal palettes can be automatically selected for each scene within a given movie. This utilizes Beam Software's in-house colour reduction methods that are better than competing systems.
Beam International  offers you the use of the VideoBeam run-time code and utilities free of single-time usage charges and royalties for a single entertainment CD-ROM title developed or published by your organization.
By using  our technology you could be saving your company as much as $10,000USD.
You would need  to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement in relation to the confidentiality of VideoBeam, and include a brief VideoBeam 'splash video' as part of the title credits.

Additional Points:
  1.  This offer is a special promotional offer for the 1997 Electronic Entertainment Expo and is available for a limited time only.
  2.  This offer is open to developers and publishers for entertainment titles to be published within 12 months of the offer date.
  3.  Developers and publishers will be required to specify the title of the entertainment product for which it is intended to use VideoBeam. A single CD-ROM entertainment title under this offer means one SKU (Shop Keeping Unit).
  4.  'Developers and publishers' means companies that have previously developed or published commercially released entertainment software. Beam International reserves the right to determine eligibility under this criteria at its sole discretion.
  5.  Companies taking up this offer will be required to sign Beam International's non-disclosure form in relation to VideoBeam.
  6.  All VideoBeam material and software provided under this agreement may only be used under the conditions under which this material is granted:
    •  Evaluation of VideoBeam compression and playback
    •  Compression of video footage for test purposes and for use in the specified entertainment title
    •  Inclusion of the VideoBeam playback code in the specified entertainment title.

  7. The finished entertainment title must include a brief 'splash video' for VideoBeam (to be supplied by Beam International) as part of the title credits, in the same position as developer and publisher credits.
  8.  Current price schedule for use of VideoBeam is as follows:
    •  Royalty option: advance of US$5,000 per SKU against a royalty of US$0.10 per copy duplicated
    •  Unlimited copy license: Flat fee of US$10,000 per SKU
    •  Publisher or developer licenses may be negotiated for 10 or more SKU's.
If you would like further information please contact Kirsten Beamish at:
Beam International  reserves the right to determine eligibility under this scheme at its sole discretion.
VideoBeam | VER2GO | MMAS