
Harvey Kong Tin

About Harvey Kong Tin:
Worked on:
Laser Hawk (Graphics), HawkQuest (Graphics)

Harvey Kong Tin became interested in computers in the early 1980s after he saw the “Star Trek” game running on a computer at a local university. He later lived in Northern England where he bought an Atari 800. He enjoyed playing arcade games because of their graphics and text adventures, as well as the hand-eye-coordination skills required to play them.

Kong Tin returned to New Zealand where he met Andrew Bradfield. Both men shared interests in hardware and video games development, and collaborated with each other on the development of two games – “Laser Hawk” and “HawkQuest”. Kong Tin designed the graphics of the two games.

Kong Tin was a member, and sometime president, of the Dunedin Atari User Group. He was also involved in Central City Computer Group meetings.

Kong Tin is once again developing games for the Atari.


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