
Nickolas Marentes

About Nickolas Marentes:
Worked on:
Donut Dilemma (Concept, Programming)

Nickolas Marentes began programming his TRS80 Model 1 as a schoolboy in 1980, following time spent after school with a display model in the local Radio Shack/Tandy store in 1979. Having the desire to create commercial grade games he set up his own software company, initially under the name ‘Supersoft Software’ and later, the officially-registered ‘Fun Division’. In 1984, Marentes’ upgraded to the Tandy Color Computer. Marentes wrote many games for the Tandy line.

Marentes’ website has extensive documentation on 19 of his game titles – http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/nickma/ProjectArchive/

Recently Marentes has embarked upon a new project, blogging about his progress as he once again develops games for the TRS-80.  http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/nickma/PopstarPilot/

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