Stephen Coupe

About Stephen Coupe:
Worked on:
1986 (Unknown), Afos (Unknown), Astro (Unknown), ShootOut (Unknown), Splat (Unknown), Trojans (Unknown)

Stephen Coupe started developing computer games in BASIC at the age of 13. He describes himself as having been a ‘teenage computer geek’, whose hobby was programming. He learned how to program in BASIC and Machine Code from reading Sega magazines and through trial and error. Coupe programmed and tested his games alone, with occasional testing input from friends. His family was very supportive of his programming.

Sega SC-3000 games that Coupe programmed and designed include “Shootout”, “1986” “Afos” and “Astro”. His games were inspired by popular arcade games of the time. Coupe’s games were sold through Poseidon Software in bundles of three. Coupe found creating programs from start to finish a lot of fun and very satisfying.

Coupe currently works for IBM as a Web Infrastructure team leader and he also has his own web design business. He lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with his wife and six daughters.

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