
Dinky Kong

Game Meta:
Release Year:
Mark Sibly (Programming)
Perspective Software (Developer, Publisher)

“Dinky Kong” is a “Donkey Kong” clone, written by Mark Sibly during his school days. It has 10 Levels, all in 3.5KB. Sibly did the cover artwork using Letraset, and his father got copies of the cover art printed, to go inside the plastic bag. The insert identifies the developer as Perspective Software. Sibly swapped the game for an external disk drive, with a company called (something like) Kiwi Computers, who apparently sold it in America.

Box Art:

Box art front

Manuals and Walkthroughs (PDF):

Dinky Kong instructions.

Gameplay videos:

Do you have a memory or thought to share?

3 thoughts on “Dinky Kong

  1. Kiwi Computer Vic20 version of “Dinky Kong”. Also shown is the Vic20 version of Zeron which Mark Sibly may have also worked on. A similar game also called Zeron was released for the Amiga by “Acid Software” a company Mark Sibly was also associated with.

    Attached image:

  2. Thanks Mark. Video of Dinky Kong on the Oric deleted. We will make one of your version and put it up.

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