

Thomas Apperley

Tom Apperley, Ph.D. is an ethnographer that specializes in researching digital media technologies. His previous writing has covered broadband policy, digital games, digital literacies and pedagogies, mobile media, and social inclusion. Tom is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is the editor of the open-access peer-reviewed journal, Digital Culture & Education, his open-access print-on-demand book Gaming Rhythms: Play and Counterplay from the Situated to the Global, was published by The Institute of Network Cultures in 2010.

Timothy Arnold

Tim Arnold’s work focuses on the intersection of digital preservation and social change. He has a dual Master’s degree from the School of Information and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.  He has worked in knowledge management in a number of organizations including the United Nations.  He is a graduate of Yale College where he received a bachelor’s degree in History.  He lives in Maine.

Christian Bartsch

Christian Bartsch is part of The Software Preservation Society and managing director of KryoFlux Germany. He started his professional career in the early ’90s working for Cachet Software on the popular backup solution X-Copy & Tools for the Commodore Amiga. After several years of teaching New Media and Digital Film at renowned SAE Institute in Cologne, Germany, Bartsch became Head of Acquisitions and Production at Turbine Media Group Germany, where he’s worked on and restored many classic films for release on DVD and Blu-ray. Since 2009, Bartsch is part of The Software Preservation Society. Having grown up in Germany, his focus is on collecting and preserving the heritage of publishers like Rainbow Arts and Magic Bytes.

Mark Boddington

Mark Boddington is a Programme Assistant for Culture at the UNESCO office of the Pacific States, Apia Samoa. He recently graduated with a Master of Laws (Information Technology Law) from the University of Edinburgh. In addition to his own research into how cultural heritage and custodian institutions are affected by legal and regulatory environments, he has provided research assistance to Associate Professor Susan Corbett during the New Zealand Law Foundation funded research project, “Archiving our Culture in a Digital Environment: Does New Zealand Copyright Law Facilitate Effective Digitisation Practices in Cultural Institutions?” and with the forthcoming Thomson Reuters Ltd  New Zealand E-Commerce and Internet Law textbook. He also has experience advising private sector clients on the scope and implications of free and open source software licenses to commercial projects.  Mark has tutored Victoria University of Wellington’s, School of Accounting and Commercial Law course, “Legal issue in Electronic Commerce” since 2011.

Aaron Braden

Aaron Braden has a BA in History and PG Dip in Anthropology. He started his career at the Hocken Library in Dunedin working as an Assistant Archivist, before spending a year in London. Returning to New Zealand in 2000 he took up the role of Archivist at the Otago Settlers Museum. He joined Archives New Zealand in 2003 working in the Dunedin Regional Office. During this time he was involved in appraisal, accessioning and descriptive work, and providing access to the records. Moving to Wellington in 2009 he worked on the design and implementation of the new repository management system (ALF), he then moved into the newly formed Disposal and Acquisition team as a Senior Archivist/Advisor.  During this period he was also involved in the Government Digital Archive Programme.  Recently he has joined the Digital Continuity Team and is now involved full time on the Government Digital Archives Programme.  The work involves the development of digital transfer guidance, tools for agencies and staff, along with business requirements and use case development.  In this role advice is also provided to government agencies relating to their digital recordkeeping and internally to users who manage digital records.

Fiona Chatteur

Dr Fiona Chatteur (nee Kerr) is a digital media specialist with a particular affection for 3D modelling and games art. After a long career at ABC TV, she worked for Strategic Studies Group in 1999-2001 before moving to the UK to work with the BBC in e-learning for the Open University. She returned to Australia in 2006 and completed a PhD in Design for Pedagogy Patterns for e-learning in 2012 with the University of Sydney. She is currently teaching at the Northern Sydney Institute in gaming and continues to have an active interest in gaming, gaming history and gamification and e-learning.

Susan Corbett

Associate Professor Susan Corbett teaches law in the Business School at Victoria University of Wellington. Her research is focused on the interfaces of copyright and privacy laws with digital culture and the information economy. She has published widely and presented at many international conferences. A selection of recent publications may be viewed at http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacl/staff/susan-corbett.aspx

Susan is a member of the “Play it Again” research team, the organisers of this Conference. She is a qualified solicitor (New Zealand and the UK), an Associate of the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand, and General Secretary of the Asian Pacific Copyright Society.

Denise de Vries

Dr Denise de Vries has, since the early 1980s, developed commercial complex database systems on a variety of platforms from mainframes to a range of personal computers. She is currently a lecturer of computer science in the School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Flinders University. Denise’s current research is on techniques to preserve digital history and data semantics including techniques to deal with changes to information in a database such as structural change, semantic change and constraint change. She is a Chief Investigator on the “Play It Again” project and developed the “Australasian Heritage Software Database” which is co-managed with Melanie Swalwell.

Maria B. Garda

Maria B. Garda is a Ph. D. Candidate in the School of Media and Audiovisual Culture at the University of Łódź, Poland. She studied in Łódź, Poland and Granada, Spain. She is a video game researcher interested in the history of media, genre theory and digital media preservation.

Jay Gattuso

Jay Gattuso is Digital Preservation Analyst for the National Digital Heritage Archive at the National Library of New Zealand where he is responsible for technical assessments of digital objects as they enter the library via the preservation repository among other responsibilities. Prior to joining the Library he worked for the Metropolitan Police Service (London) developing high tech digital tools for assessing, viewing and archiving digital evidence and assisting Police colleagues in assessing digital objects.

Craig Harrington

Craig Harrington holds a Bachelor of Science (with Honours) from Flinders University. He is currently studying full-time as a PhD candidate in the School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Flinders University. His current research is focussed upon the development of software tools to migrate legacy applications to contemporary languages, as a part of the “Play It Again” project.

Jo Hocking

Jo Hocking has worked in Collection Development at the State Library of South Australia for twelve years. She has a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons History), a Bachelor of Arts and a Grad Dip in Information Studies. She co-ordinates the selection and harvesting of South Australian websites into the National Library of Australia’s PANDORA web archive. She also lectures in Digital Preservation for the University of South Australia’s BIM/LIM Masters course, tailors and administers software that tracks collection offers, shares involvement in SLSA’s social media presences and dabbles in the brave new world of liaising with producers for born-digital donations. Work in the digital realm is balanced with developing the South Australiana print collection and being a main contact for South Australia’s legal deposit legislation. In her spare time, she is (hopefully) in her final year of a History PhD at the University of Adelaide and drinks a lot of coffee.

Jan Hutar

Jan Hutař has a PhD in Information Science and an MA in Information Studies and Librarianship. Leading topic of his dissertation are metadata for the digital objects. After finishing his studies he started at the National Library of the Czech Republic, where he has been the Head of Digital Preservation Department between 2006-2011. He was responsible for the Digital Preservation part of the National Digital Library, for metadata specification for new digitisation workflow and creating requirements for Long-term preservation system. Since January 2012 he is a Digital Preservation Analyst at Archives New Zealand. Responsible for Rosetta system, developing policies and processes around digital preservation. His main research focus is metadata and its usage for preservation and also digital preservation concepts.

Peter Kolomitsev

Peter Kolomitsev has been an audio professional for a long time…in fact some say he was born with headphones on! With well over a quarter of a century of experience in both live and studio settings, he has seen the birth and death of many audio recording technologies. Having composed, produced, recorded, mixed and mastered countless releases on vinyl, cassette, CD, video, TVC’s and DVD he has extensive hands on experience at the pointy end of most recording formats.  Over the last ten years working in the Audio Preservation studios at the State Library of South Australia he has seen their successes and failures, while digitally reformatting, restoring and in some cases, even bringing back from the dead, almost every audio format imaginable.

Andreas Lange

Andreas Lange is director of the Computer Game Museum in Berlin. He  studied Comparative Religions and Dramatics (M.A.) at Freie Universität Berlin. His 1994 graduation work, The Stories of Computer Games – Analysed as Myths, was one of the first academic works, in which computer games are treated as cultural artifacts. Since then, he works in the business of interactive digital entertainment culture as a curator, author, consultant, and expert, among others, for the German age-rating system USK. Since 1996, he is the director of the Computer Game Museum in Berlin, which opened in early 1997 as the world’s first permanent exhibition dedicated solely to interactive digital entertainment culture. On that basis, Lange lectures in academic and other contexts. He has held the positions as the museum’s project manager of the European research project KEEP and speaker of the SIG Emulation of the German competence network for digital preservation. Besides that, he is a member of the Academy of the German Game Developers, the jury of the German Games Award Lara, and the advisory council of the Deutsche Gamestage and the Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur. Lange is co-initator of EFGAMP (European Federation of Game Archives Museums and Preservation Projects). [www.computerspielemuseum.de] [lange@computerspielemuseum.de].

Christian McCrea

Christian McCrea is an essayist and researcher writing on videogames and the popular digital arts. He has recently published work such as “We Play in Public: The Nature and Context of Portable Gaming Systems”, “Games and the Modern University” and many others. He is the Program Director for Games at RMIT University.

Stuart Marshall

Dr Stuart Marshall is a senior lecturer in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). He has a PhD in Computer Science on the topic of software reuse, and is now the head of the Human Computer Interaction group at VUW. Dr Marshall is the chairperson of the New Zealand Chapter of the ACM’s Special Interest Group in Computer Human Interaction, as well as the chairperson of the New Zealand Programming Challenge for Girls national organisation. Dr Marshall has more recently published work on the topics of information visualisation, graph layout, and tabletops, as well as supervised and co-authored papers on agile software development that have been published in leading international venues. Dr Marshall is interested in the human aspect of developing accessible interfaces for digital preservation. In particular, this encompasses being able to share and engage with gameplay of old computer games via web interfaces.

Talei Masters

Talei Masters has a BA in Classics and an MSc Econ in Archive Administration. After qualifying as an archivist and records manager in 2003, she worked in these roles in local government in the UK. During this period her work included the archival management activities of appraisal, accessioning, preservation, arrangement and description, learning and research services; the enhancement of archive management and access systems; digitisation projects and digital assets management; recordkeeping advice and records retrieval and disposal services. At Archives New Zealand she works as a Senior Archivist/Advisor in the Digital Continuity team. This includes the development of digital archive transfer guidance and tools for both agencies and Archives New Zealand, as well as business requirements for the government digital archive systems. It also involves providing support to government agencies in digital recordkeeping and to Archives New Zealand in managing digital archives.

Veronika M Megler

Veronika M Megler is near completion of a PhD in Computer Science at Portland State University. She received her M.Sc. in Computer Science at Portland State in 2012. V.M. Megler’s dissertation research enables Information-Retrieval-style search over scientific data archives. Her most recent industry position was as Executive IT Architect at IBM USA. She has published more than 20 industry technical papers and 10 research papers on applications of emerging technologies to industry problems, and holds two patents, including one on her dissertation research. Her research interests include applications of emerging technologies, scientific information management and spatio-temporal databases. Ms. Megler was in the last year of her B.Sc. studies at Melbourne University when she co-wrote “The Hobbit.” She currently lives in Portland, Oregon, and can be reached at vmegler@gmail.com.

Silver Moon

Silver Moon has been working with audio in the State Library of South Australia since 2005. She is a recording engineer with a practical experience of both analogue recording from reel to reel tapes to digital audio recording in all its forms. 20 years ago Silver worked in a studio where she found herself watching carefully the meter showing the error rates on the professional DAT recorder used for mastering. It was food for thought then and still is now. Silver is restoring a Pyrox wire recorder bought for $40 in a small country town and is gleeful about the SLSA’s recent acquisition of some wire recordings for its collections.

Jessica Moran

Jessica Moran is the Assistant Digital Archivist at the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand where she works with unpublished born digital heritage collections. Prior to joining the NLNZ she has worked in university, special, and government libraries and archives, most recently as an archivist at the California State Archives where she worked in the electronic and legislative records programs.

Adam Muir

Adam Muir is an educator and researcher who is completing a PhD at Griffith University which expands the media ecology approach to include the networked media environment.  He is interested in the history of personal computers and collects artefacts related to the Commodore Amiga personal computers.

Angela Ndalianis

Angela Ndalianis is Professor in Screen Studies at Melbourne University. Her research focuses on entertainment media, media histories and the convergence of films, video games, television, comic books and theme parks. Her publications include Neo-Baroque Aesthetics and Contemporary Entertainment (2004), The Horror Sensorium: Media and The Senses (2012), Science Fiction Experiences (2009) and The Contemporary Comic Book Superhero (editor, 2008). She has also published numerous essays in journals and anthologies, and she is currently working on two books: Batman: Myth and Superhero and Robots and Entertainment Culture.

Benjamin Nicoll

Benjamin Nicoll is a PhD student in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His thesis combines theoretical positions grounded in media archaeology with methods from platform studies for an analysis of the ‘Neo Geo’ family of videogame hardware.

Amanda Pagliarino

Amanda Pagliarino is Head of Conservation at the Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane.  Since 2003 she has worked on the conservation of audiovisual and electronic artworks in the Gallery’s collection.  Amanda received a Bachelor of Visual Arts from the Queensland University of Technology in 1991 and a Bachelor of Applied Science, Conservation of Cultural Material from the University of Canberra in 1995.

Jussi Parrika

Dr Jussi Parikka is a media theorist and Reader at Winchester School of Art, UK. His books and articles have analysed accidents and dark sides of network culture as well as digital audiovisual culture. Parikka’s Insect Media-book won the 2012 SCMS Anne Friedberg award for Innovative Scholarship. He writes on media archaeology and his most recent book What is Media Archaeology? was published by Polity Press. He has also edited and co-edited books such as Media Archaeology (2011), Medianatures (2011) as well as the volume of Wolfgang Ernst writings, Digital Memory and the Archive (2013). Currently he is writing a new book on Geology of Media as well as co-editing a volume on the Finnish media artist Erkki Kurenniemi.

Joseph Redon

Joseph has been playing and collecting games his entire life, starting with western platforms such as the Commodore 64 before switching to Japanese platforms. His important research on old Japanese games lead to his move to Japan in 2000 where he now works as an IT architect for a major Japanese car manufacturer. Joseph is mainly interested in games never released outside of Japan, or games that are difficult to preserve, such as old computer games. Games on magnetic storage media exclusively released in Japan are truly one of the most difficult genres to conserve in the history of video games due to the rarity of such items and the fact that Japanese people are not concerned with preservation in general.

Joseph speaks Japanese fluently. He decided to conduct research on new techniques for game conservation and founded the Game Preservation Society in 2011. The Society is a non-profit organization and is a network of game collectors and preservationists with various talents. Joseph has built a laboratory and a storage facility dedicated to old games in Tokyo, covering most of the cost himself.

Joseph considers videogames to be an art. Every title should be carefully preserved as a piece of cultural heritage. However, most of the games are stored on magnetic media (such as floppy disks and cassette tapes) or have a very short life cycle (such as early CD-ROMs). Lack of interest from Japanese institutions in strict preservation and games in general has lead Joseph to seek help from other countries. The preservation methods have been developed not only at the laboratory in Tokyo, but also with support from other groups, such as Association MO5 in France and the Software Preservation Society in the UK.

Joseph’s personal game archive consists of more than 15,000 items, and most of these are games for old Japanese computers and old magazines related to computer games. The Game Preservation Society’s network of collectors represents an archive composed of more than 110,000 Japanese items and is the largest so far in Japan. They have gathered most consumer games and arcade games, but also game related materials, such as books, CDs, and machines. Joseph’s goal is to build an open archive so anyone can access and study this amazing Japanese culture.

Beth M Robertson

Beth M Robertson is manager of preservation at the State Library of South Australia. While responsible for all aspects of preserving access to the Library’s diverse collections, her first love was audiovisual materials. She was recruited to the Library in 1987 as the inaugural Oral History Officer to develop the oral history collection. She went on to establish the Library’s audio preservation facilities and in recent years has overseen the set-up of the Library’s film and video preservation section.

Walker Sampson

Walker Sampson serves as Digital Archivist at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research interests include digital object preservation and curation, with an emphasis on creative and aesthetic digital objects. He received his MS in Information Science at the University of Texas at Austin, where he participated in the IMLS funded “Preserving Games” research project. He previously served as electronic records analyst at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

Piotr Sitarski

Piotr Sitarski is a professor in the School of Media and Audiovisual Culture at the University of Łódź, Poland. He studied in Łódź, Poland, and Reading, UK. He is interested in film, contemporary popular culture and interactive media. He published several books and articles, including a thesis on virtual reality and a monograph on films by Ridley Scott.

Anne Sivula

Anna Sivula (Ph.D.) is Senior Lecturer of History at the Degree Program of Cultural Production and Landscape Studies at the University of Turku, Finland. In her studies, Sivula has concentrated on the interaction of historiography and cultural heritage.

Ross Spencer

Ross Spencer has a BSc in Software Engineering and an MA in Digital Culture and Technology. After finishing university in 2006 he has spent time as a Technical Support Assistant and Junior C++ Analyst Developer for companies with varying specialities. At The National Archives, UK he worked in the Digital Preservation Department as a Digital Preservation Researcher. His research interests involved prototyping a linked data file format registry and developing the capabilities of the DROID file format identification tool. Ross also provided guidance on digitization projects and helped support the ongoing work of the digital archives team. At Archives New Zealand he works as a Digital Preservation Analyst, developing digital preservation policy as well helping to mature the digital preservation capabilities of the Digital Continuity department. His main research priority at present involves understanding the preservation challenges of different database management systems.

Helen Stuckey

Helen Stuckey is currently undertaking PhD research at Flinders University in Adelaide South Australia as part of the Australian Research Council funded Project – Play It Again. Her previous qualifications are Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne, 1987, Bachelor of Architecture RMIT, 1993 and Masters of Arts (Applied Media) Swinburne University, 2010. She is a curator whose recent curatorial practice has focused on the exhibition of videogames as cultural artefacts. At the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) she initiated, produced and curated the Games Lab (2005 – 2008) a dedicated exhibition space for exploring game culture. She has worked as a Curatorial Advisor on major international exhibitions including the recent exhibition Game Masters, 2012, ACMI. She was the Director of the Games Program at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia 2010-2011.

Jaakko Suominen

Jaakko Suominen (Ph.D.) is Professor of Digital Culture at the Degree Program of Cultural Production and Landscape Studies at the University of Turku, Finland. In his studies, Suominen has concentrated on the cultural history of information technology and the history of media and technology. Lately, he has studied particularly the history of social media as well as retrogaming and other forms of reusing and recycling digital games.

Melanie Swalwell

Melanie Swalwell is an Associate Professor in the Screen and Media Department at Flinders University.  She is Project Leader of the multi-disciplinary Linkage project “Play It Again”.  Melanie is also an ARC Future Fellow, researching a history of “Creative Micro-computing in Australia, 1976-1992”.  Together with Denise de Vries, she runs the “Australasian Heritage Software Database”, www.ourdigitalheritage.org

Millicent Anne Weber

Millicent Anne Weber is a PhD candidate in the School of English, Communications & Performance Studies at Monash University, Melbourne. Her PhD research forms part of the Australian Research Council Discovery project ‘Performing Authorship in the Digital Literary Sphere’, and investigates the social impacts of contemporary anglophone literary festivals, and their relationship to arts policy outcomes in Australia and internationally. Millicent developed an interest in born-digital manuscript collections while working at the National Library of Australia, Canberra, and this paper is based on research conducted in this area as part of her honours project, for which she achieved first class honours through the University of Canberra in 2012.

Ian Welch

Dr Ian Welch is based at Victoria University and he has worked there for the last 10 years. Prior to that I was studying my MSc/PhD and working as a senior research associate at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. My PhD examined the use of metaobject protocols to allow enforcement of security policies on existing applications. My other work was on the use of techniques such as fault tree analysis to construct security arguments, how to build intrusion tolerant systems on top of intrusion tolerant group communication protocols and a framework to help programmers build distributed applications that could adapt to changes in interfaces imposed by the providers of the services that you are integrating.

My research in the area of digital preservation has focused on how to keep games playable using emulators and provide access to those emulators. I have also co-supervised students working at the New Zealand National Archives who have worked on the development of tools to unpack Microsoft documents into their constituent parts and develop toolsets based upon existing open source tools for extracting metadata from arbitrary documents.

My other research has revolved around how to better find malware hosted on websites with a bit of work on the application of multi party computation to implement anonymous and private auction protocols. More recently I have begun to move into the area of using Software Defined Networking to manage separation between users of shared network infrastructure (Masters student is working on how you can segment the network to quarantine infected hosts for further study and I have a PhD student who is starting to work on the analysis problem) and work on quantifying the impact of network management and monitoring technologies on privacy/individual access to resources (Masters student did a survey of blocking and I am working on a new meta data collection project called “I know what you did last summer”).

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