
Register now

Registration is now open.  Please click on the Register Now image above to be directed to the Registration page.

The Registration fee includes all conference sessions, morning and afternoon teas and lunches for the 2 days of the conference (19 and 20 June, 2014).

Early Bird
Full Conference Registration $220.00
Single Day Full Registration – Day 1 $110.00
Single Day Full Registration – Day 2 $110.00

Early Bird
Student/Unwaged Conference Registration $100
Single Day Student/Unwaged Registration – Day 1 $50
Single Day Student/Unwaged Registration – Day 2 $50

Conference Dinner $80 (optional).  This will be held in the evening on Thursday 19 June, 2014.  The venue is Trunk Bar & Restaurant’s Rintel Room, 275 Exhibition St, Melbourne.

The Knowledge Exchange Event on Wednesday 18 June is free to attend, but registration is required.

Please note:  Cancellations up until 30th April will be refunded in full.  Cancellations after this date will be refunded at 50% of the amount paid.


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