We are launching a comparative site to discuss and capture memories of early microcomputing, between Australia and Korea in the 1980s. This cross-cultural project is intended to be a participatory archive of experiences and memories of early popular computing, exploring similarities and differences in the reception of early computers between these two countries.

“Popular Memory Archive of Australia and Korea | 한국과 호주의 80년대 컴퓨터 이용자 경험의 공유와 비교 아카이브”


The site is managed by JO Dongwon, a researcher of computer history from South Korea, in conjunction with Play It Again’s Melanie Swalwell and Helen Stuckey.

The site is a blog. Please click here to share your materials and memories, or comment on existing posts.

The site features Korean stories together with some translated Australian ones from the Play it Again Popular Memory Archive. We invite new posts examining early microcomputing culture from both Australia and Korea. Posts might address DIY books, computer fairs and writing and sharing software, for instance. We are also keen to receive uploads of photos, videos, design documents, maps, etc, and comments and memories from users of 1980s computers.

All posts will be translated in 1-3 days, so that users from Korea can read about how it was in Australia, and vice versa.

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Please join with us and share your experiences of computing in the 1980s!